
Literature references on Dr. Susan D. Emmerich’s environmental stewardship approach

Co-Producer, November 2007. When Heaven Meets Earth: Faith and Environment in the Chesapeake Bay.  Production in Association with the Center for Law and Culture and Skunkfilms Productions. A documentary film production on faith-based stewardship in the Chesapeake Bay watershed focusing on two cases: Tangier watermen and farmers in the Sideling Hill Creek, Pennsylvania watershed.

Co-Producer, November 2007. When Heaven Meets Earth: Faith-based Stewardship Spreads to Urban and Suburban Communities. Production in Association with the Center for Law and Culture and Skunkfilms Productions. A documentary film production on faith-based stewardship in an African-American community within the town of Berlin, Maryland.

Emmerich, Susan Drake. 2005. Fostering Environmental Responsibility on the part of the Watermen of the Chesapeake Bay: A Faith and Action Research Approach. Paper presented at Christians Engaging Culture Conference at Gordon College.  Posted on

Emmerich, Susan Drake. 2003. Faith-Based Stewardship and Resolution of Environmental Conflict: An Ethnography of an Action Research Case of Tangier Island Watermen in the Chesapeake Bay. University of Wisconsin—Madison dissertation. Obtainable through UMI Dissertation Services, ProQuest.

Emmerich, Susan Drake. December 2002. Between Heaven and Earth: Resolving Conflict in the Chesapeake Bay. In “Ethics for a Small Planet: A Communications Handbook on the Ethical and Theological Reasons for Protecting Biodiversity.” The Biodiversity Project. Madison, Wisconsin.

Emmerich, Susan Drake. 2000 Fall. “Praxis of the kingdom: Bible-grounded environmental stewardship as a ministry of reconciliation.” Creation Care Magazine. Evangelical Environmental Network.

Production Consultant, 2000. Between Heaven and Earth: The Plight of the Chesapeake Bay Watermen. Telly Award for Documentaries. Thirty-minute documentary video for PBS in conjunction with Wisconsin Public Television. Skunkworks Productions.

Production Coordinator, 1999. Tangier Island: Faith-Based Stewardship for the Chesapeake. Eleven-minute documentary. Telly Award for Documentaries. Skunkworks Productions.

Drake, Susan F. 1999. The Role of Faith in Sustaining Coastal Communities. Abstract of presentation given at plenary session titled “Values and Lifestyles: The Ultimate Coastal Development Issue.” Coastal Zone 99 Conference Abstracts. The People-The Coast-The Ocean Vision 2020. San Diego. Edited by Urban Harbors Institute. University of Massachusetts, Boston. July 27-29, 1999.

Drake, Susan F. 1999. Working from the Bottom Up: Combining Traditional and Non-Traditional Methodologies to Resolve Environmental Conflict, Foster Environmental Stewardship and Produce A Sustainable Watermen Community on Tangier Island. Abstract of presentation given at session titled “Integrating the Human Dimension into Integrated Coastal Management: The How’s and Why’s.” Coastal Zone 99 Conference “The People–The Coast–The Ocean.” San Diego. Edited by Urban Harbors Institute. University of Massachusetts, Boston. July 27-29, 1999.