American founder and legal scholar, James Wilson, once wrote that “Law and liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love unless they first become the objects of our knowledge.” Similarly, famous American founder, Thomas Jefferson, taught that “An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic.” In that spirit, the Center for Law and Culture celebrated Constitutional Heritage Week, a national event honoring the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. The event educates students and citizens about America’s noble legal and political heritage. The Center, along with its student arm, the Law and Politics Society, organized several Constitution-related activities at Olivet during this significant week.
In addition to Constitutional Heritage Week, the Center has undertaken four exciting new initiatives:
~ Judicial Internships: Providing talented Olivet Legal Studies students with the opportunity of experiencing what it’s like to work with judges in the local court system.
~ Mock Trial Team: Center Director, Zach Bohannon, will be the coach of Olivet’s new team, which will compete against other regional colleges and universities.
~ Annual Student Lobby Day: Occurring in April, this day gives students the chance to visit the Illinois state capitol to catch a glimpse of state government.
~ Josiah Project (coming in 2016): A strategic leadership training for pastors, military officers, and key community and business leaders.