On April 24, 2015, Olivet Nazarene University and The Center for Law and Culture welcomed nationally known economist, Stephen Moore, for a special luncheon. Co-sponsored by the Center and Olivet’s Weber Leadership Center, the event was attended by nearly 100 people, including leaders from the surrounding Kankakee County community, in addition to Olivet students, staff, and faculty.
Mr. Moore, widely regarded as one of the foremost economists of our time, was formerly Chief Economist for the Wall Street Journal and currently holds that same title at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. Mr. Moore is a frequent guest on national television and radio programs and is the author of a new book entitled The Wealth of States: How Taxes, Energy, and Worker Freedom Change Everything.
Prior to Mr. Moore’s presentation, Dr. Charlie Emmerich, Executive Director and Founder of the Center, gave introductory remarks, citing the American Founders’ firm belief in the free market principles spawned by a Judeo-Christian worldview. Dr. Emmerich noted that the mission of the Center is faithful to the Founders’ understanding of market-based economics. On behalf of the Center, Dr. Emmerich presented Stephen Moore with the book Liberty and Freedom by David Hackett Fischer.
During his speech, Mr. Moore discussed the importance of America’s seeking its untapped energy resources, the need for tax reform, the value of free market entrepreneurship, and the dangers of federal government regulation and intervention. Moore offered compelling data and encouraged attendees to have hope that, with the right approach to these critical issues, America’s economic hardship can be turned around.
After the luncheon, Olivet Legal Studies, Business, and Political Science students sat down to a round table discussion and Q & A with Mr. Moore. Many had the chance to speak with Mr. Moore one-on-one.