On Saturday, April 2, the Center co-sponsored a prominent Christian judge as the keynote speaker of the 23rd Annual Community Prayer Breakfast. The prayer breakfast was held in Chalfant Hall on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University and attracted around 150 attendees, including many leaders in the surrounding communities of Bourbonnais, Bradley, and Kankakee. Judge Tommy B. Webb’s compelling message, entitled “You Can Make a Difference,” focused on his childhood in Korea as a destitute orphan during the Korean War. Judge Webb shared of his adoption by loving foster parents in the United States and how he went on to become the first Asian judge in the state of Kansas. He encouraged a captive audience to make a positive difference in someone’s life, much like his foster parents did in his. In addition to his contribution to law, Judge Webb also served as a pastor in Oklahoma for 25 years. The day before the prayer breakfast, Judge Webb presented his story to a classroom full of interested Olivet students and faculty.

An animated Judge Tommy B. Webb inspires the prayer breakfast attendees with a message of hope.

Pictured L to R: Community Prayer Breakfast Committee Chair, Jim DeZwaan; Center Intern and Olivet Legal Studies student, Joshua Dille; Center Director, Zach Bohannon; Center Executive Director and Founder, Dr. Charles Emmerich; Judge Tommy B. Webb; and Olivet Professor of Business, Dr. Don Daake.