1. Who should I contact if I have any questions?
Questions concerning the Institute should be directed to Grant Rix, the 2024 LJC Institute Coordinator, at gjrix@olivet.edu
2. Where should I go initially for information about Olivet Nazarene University?
Visiting students are encouraged to learn more about the Center by visiting lawandculture.org and learn more about Olivet at olivet.edu. Olivet’s website contains a wealth of information, including a virtual campus tour, maps, and directions to the University. The school’s address is 1 University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL. 60914.
3. Who do I contact if I have any question about on-campus housing?
Questions should be directed to Grant Rix (see question 1). Each apartment houses up to four students and includes two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. Included in the apartments will be a linen service. However, the apartment does not include kitchen utensils and dishes, so make sure to bring your own.
4. I’m attending the Creation Care Practicum – what do I do?
The Creation Care Practicum will be held on Saturday, May 18th, from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in Weber Center 204 on the campus of Olivet. Please try to arrive on campus on Friday between 4-8 p.m., the timeframe during which Jennifer Diamico (Center Administrator) will be available to give you your room keys and get you settled into the apartment.
5. When is the first session of the Institute? What does it entail?
The first Institute event is a free orientation lunch for all students on Monday, May 19th, at noon in Weber 204. Following the orientation lunch, the academic session of the Institute will begin.
6. What options do I have for meals during the Institute?
About one-third of your meals will be provided free by the Center for Law and Culture. For the remaining meals, there are numerous, affordable restaurants and grocery stores in the surrounding Bourbonnais area.
7. How do I calculate my final tuition cost? When is the balance of tuition due?
The Center for Law and Culture sent you a financial statement in the email informing you of your acceptance into the program. If you have any questions about your tuition balance, contact the LCJ Institute Coordinator (see question 1). Unless alternative arrangements are made, the balance of tuition is due on or before May 1st. Students accepted into the program who withdraw on or before this date forfeit the $250 registration deposit. Those who withdraw on or after May 9th, without valid extenuating circumstances, forfeit a total of $495.
8. When should I arrive at Olivet Nazarene University?
Given that the Creation Care Practicum is on Saturday, May 17th, please arrive at Olivet by Friday afternoon or early evening, May 16th (see question 2). If you are traveling by airplane, it is preferred that you fly into Midway Airport; however, if the airfares into Midway are not competitively priced, it is acceptable to fly into O’Hare Airport. Students are free to depart after completing the Institute’s final examination on Saturday morning, May 31st (expected to finish around noon). For those traveling by air, flights should be scheduled for Saturday late afternoon or evening.
9. How do I get to Olivet? How do I find my way around campus?
Olivet’s website contains directions to the University, as well as campus maps (see question 2). In addition, visiting students will be given a tour of the campus on the first day of the Institute.
10. When does the Institute meet?
The Institute meets for two weeks: Monday through Friday, May 19-24th, and Monday through Saturday (noon), May 26th-May 31st. In general, classes are held between 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. each day. In addition, there will be one dinner (pizza) movie-night each week, concluding by about 9:00 p.m.
11. What should students bring to the LJC course?
Students should bring a curious mind, a willingness to participate in robust dialogue, an appetite for both learning and food (many free meals will be provided by the Center), and a desire for a fun learning experience. In addition, students should bring a Bible (ESV, English Standard Version, or NIV, New International Version, are generally used in class, but other translations are accepted, with the exception of the Message Bible). Students should bring enough money for about 18-20 meals (mostly breakfasts and lunches).
12. What is the appropriate attire for Institute classes and events?
Casual, modest dress (no tank tops or beach attire, please) is appropriate for class sessions. For example, shorts, nice blue jeans, and t-shirts with sleeves are acceptable. Business-casual attire is required for the celebration dinner on Friday, May 30st, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
13. Is there a reading assignment for the first day of class?
Yes. There will be assigned readings for the Creation Care Practicum (May 17th), sent via e-mail prior to that date. In addition, any Institute advance readings will be sent to you via email as well. Additional materials/readings will be provided to you on the first day of class.
Please direct your administrative, logistical, and financial questions to Grant Rix (see question 1), not to Prof. Charles Emmerich, as the latter will be focusing on the academic aspects of the Institute.