As founder of The Center for Law and Culture, it has been Dr. Emmerich’s dream to influence the young and old alike to have an understanding of and appreciation for the legal processes and statutes deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian values. One way this is accomplished is through Dr. Emmerich’s commitment to teach two courses each semester for Olivet students on various legally driven subjects. For this semester in particular, Dr. Emmerich chose to offer the course Jurisprudence to his upper-division students. His purpose, as stated in the course description is to, “[examine] the lives and thoughts of the great legal philosophers and jurists in the Western legal tradition from ancient to modern times.”
It has been
quite some time since this course was last offered, but the current students
seem to be enjoying the material they are covering. As senior Landon Jones
states, “I have really enjoyed learning about the incredible history behind
legal philosophy and how it has impacted law today. From the Old Testament to
the English Common Law, I’ve greatly benefitted from Dr. Emmerich’s lecture. I
know this class will enhance my career in the future.”
For more information about legal course offerings provided by The Center, please email the Administrative Director Jeremy Pilz at lawandculture@olivet.edu