As part of Olivet’s Legal Studies program, students are selected each January to participate in a week-long Federal Seminar study trip to Washington, D.C. The seminar occurs in conjunction with the National Association of Evangelicals’ (NAE) Student Leadership Conference, which attracts students from several evangelical colleges and universities. During the conference, students attend seminars hosted by members of the United States Congress, Supreme Court Justices, ambassadors, and other U.S. government and policy officials, along with organizations, such as the Heritage Foundation and Family Research Council. During their stay, students tour monument sites, the Supreme Court Building, and the Capitol and meet with their home State Representatives and Senators when schedules allow.
This year, Center Director, Zach Bohannon, joined Olivet Legal Studies and Business students, along with faculty from History and Business, for the Washington trip.

Students got to tour the stunning U.S. Senate building.

Students were treated to a nighttime tour of historic Washington to view the monuments and honor our nation’s brave heroes, like those in this moving statue depicting the raising of the American flag at the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II.

United States Senator, John McCain of Arizona, was one of the many dignitaries and leaders to address students at the NAE Student Leadership Conference. Senator McCain spoke about the grave threat of Islamic terror, the Christian’s duty of courage in the face of evil, and how his Christian faith daily affects his decision-making on Capitol Hill.

Friend of the Center and former United States Representative from Virginia, Frank Wolf, spoke passionately about religious liberty, imploring Christians to lift our voices in the public square to fight religious injustice before it is too late.