Cast Your Vote
As the November election draws closer and closer, the Center would like to take a brief moment to pause and encourage its donors to not only vote, but to vote with the confidence that comes through researching the issues at play on ballots across the nation. Although a uniform guide that can cross state lines cannot easily exist, Center founder Dr. Charles Emmerich has provided some things to consider. First, what do you believe about the concept of equality? Are “all men created equal” by God? What does the rhetoric of a...
read moreInside the Classroom
As founder of The Center for Law and Culture, it has been Dr. Emmerich’s dream to influence the young and old alike to have an understanding of and appreciation for the legal processes and statutes deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian values. One way this is accomplished is through Dr. Emmerich’s commitment to teach two courses each semester for Olivet students on various legally driven subjects. For this semester in particular, Dr. Emmerich chose to offer the course Jurisprudence to his upper-division students. His purpose, as stated in...
read moreA More Perfect Union
Constitutional Heritage Week was upon us two weeks ago. For Olivet’s Law and Politics Society, that meant hosting an event in order to help the student body prepare themselves for the November election. LPS provided help both with initial voter registration as well as navigating the various state request forms for voting by mail or absentee. According to a study reiterated by NPR concerning this election, “…[m]illennials and some members of Gen Z comprise 37% of eligible voters” (Sprunt). Consequently, LPS wanted to ensure that as...
read moreA Day to Remember—9/11
September 11, 2001. A date which will live in infamy. The United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked. This time, however, that attack has led to a seemingly eternal conflict that continues abroad to this day. As the Center searched for ways to honor the brave men, women, and children who lost their lives as well as those who still live to tell the story, one of the ways it was able to accomplish this desire was through a partnership between LPS and Capitol Hill Gang. Capitol Hill Gang is a club sponsored by Olivet’s Political...
read moreCOVID Coverage—LPS
A new academic year has begun, which means new beginnings for the Center sponsored Law and Politics Society (LPS). The history of the club is marked with all kinds of successful events—from Lawlapalooza to Valentines for Veterans. And though the status of the current pandemic is ever-changing, LPS still shares the Center’s dream of encouraging individuals to become virtuous citizens by being aware of and fulfilling his or her civic duty. One of the best ways to accomplish that this year is by registering to vote in the November...
read moreA Little Love from LPS
Last week, the Center sponsored Law and Politics Society (LPS) hosted their second annual service project to deliver valentines to veterans at the Manteno Veterans Home. For three days, the cabinet and other members of the Law and Politics Society set up a table in the dining hall of Olivet Nazarene University. At this table, students were given the opportunity to express their gratitude to veterans and spread love through writing valentines. When asked about the value of the service project Morgan Dasch (LPS Treasurer) stated, “it’s...
read moreLPS Hosts Voter Registration Event
On January 30th, 2020, Olivet Nazarene University’s Law and Politics Society (LPS), sponsored by the Center for Law and Culture, held a game night with an emphasis on encouraging other students on campus to register to vote. This event was geared toward welcoming students into the new semester with a fun and casual game night. The opportunity existed for students to take five minutes and register to vote. This event was well attended and reached the goal of creating easy access to this service. When asked about the importance of...
read moreLaw and Politics Society Hosts Preamble and Pastries
On Tuesday September 24, Olivet Nazarene University’s Law and Politics Society (LPS), sponsored by the Center for Law and Culture, held an event celebrating National Constitutional Heritage Week. This event titled, “Preamble and Pastries” was created in order to educate the student body at Olivet on America’s important legal documents in interesting and interactive ways. A number of different documents were read and then discussed by the individuals who attended the event. Not only was the Constitution read in part, but also the...
read moreLaw & Politics Society, You Say?
A quick guide to the LPS Chapter at Olivet Nazarene University. The Center of Law and Culture sponsors the Olivet Nazarene University chapter of the Law and Politics Society. The club serves as the Center’s student outreach program at the university and has a mission of encouraging students to develop their awareness to their civic responsibilities. The Center works in tandem with a student elected club cabinet to achieve this mission. In its pursuit of establishing an awareness to civic responsibility, the Society works to...
read moreValentine’s for Veterans
Last week, The Center sponsored Law and Politics Society hosted a service project serving the Manteno Veterans Home. LPS spent a week during meal hours engaging the student body in writing over 300 valentines for the veterans at the home. Olivet student, Rachel Mayotte (Class of 2021) said of the service project, “I was really attracted to the service project because I felt that it was a great way to show my appreciation that I have for veterans and for the service that they had provided for our country. My hope as I wrote the letters...
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